From Home to the Delivery Courier: platform economy as an urban parasite

by slutty urbanism


Slutty Urbanism ft. Ariel Lu

Together with visual artist Ariel Lu and our former member Anastasiya Halauniova Slutty Urbanism is thrilled to present the first visual artwork to which we contributed the idea.

We see platform economies as parasitical to cities. They are parasites that challenge our socio-spatial realities, either in the hopes of shaping them towards symbiotic relations or crawling over our labour force, damaging public infrastructures, and eventually killing the city. These are the fruits of those conversations.

Ariel Ting Wei Lu is a Houdini Designer & Art Director. I was previously the Deputy Director of the International Entertainment Department at KHAM Inc. for five years. She works with research and development for both image and motion; speculative design, production, branding and academic research. Hailing from Taipei her family, work and studies have taken her to the United Kingdom, Sweden and now Berlin. Her website is